Most of the data is crowdsourced and should not be taken as official. There is no guarantee of its correctness.
For the precision of the most common used sensors and the calculations done to show some of the measures, refer to the FAQ section. uses cookies to personalize your device selection and to make our site easier for you to use. We do NOT store nor share that information with anyone else.

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Disclaimer: The data shown comes directly from the used sensors. We do not guarantee of their correctness. Details


The data collected are not manipulated in any way. We do not guarantee of their correctness. The

Community lead


O2 Initiative...

O2 civil initiative is about putting clean environment as priority to the government. We want to see systemic and sustainable solutions for the problem of pollution. We work towards higher environmental budget, higher efficiency in effectuating the change. We demand the local and central government to solve certain issues during their mandate. We want clean air, clean water, clean soil to be guaranteed and possible for us and the future generations. We want to pass the legacy to the next generations who are the ones to live the change we are working for today.